多彩物語 1号店 (China)
  • 所在地:海外
  • 延床面積:360㎡
  • 商業施設
  • 2015年



A circuit style store where you can enjoy the sequence

This is the first project in China at my office.
In this project, I am not only designing a store but also producing store branding, all sign design, and how to display products.

The projected title was Tasaimonogatari 1 (多彩物語1).
It was built in Dalian, China in 2015. It was designed from April 2015 to May 2015, constructed from May 11 , 2015 to May 29 , 2015. Very short term.
The store area was about 360 square meters.

An acquaintance I met at a business meeting introduced a Chinese client to me. He runs a power tool manufacturing factory jointly with Japanese people in Dalian, China.
He said he wanted to start the Japanese 100-yen store business (which is called a 10 yuan shop in China), which is beginning to become popular in China, with Japanese designs. In China, it seems that stores designed and managed by Japanese are very popular. This was the first store plan, but he planed to increase it to several hundred stores, mainly in Dalian. He wanted me to do store branding, sign design, and store design. It's an unbelievable story, but at that time my office was working on a project in Myanmar. Therefore, we decided to undertake this project from the optimistic observation that the Chinese project could be managed.
The store is located on the first basement floor of a huge market in Dalian's shopping street. Because it was a T-shaped deformed tenant, we planned a flow diagram to circulate the whole so as not to create a dead-end space where people would not go. I designed circular openings and circular ceilings in the walls and ceilings to keep customers from getting bored when shopping along these lines. The circular opening serves to visually connect the previous space. I went to a local material shop, went to a furniture factory and had a meeting in writing, and completed this project with great experience.
I shared joy with clients and management staff at the opening party. Building architecture overseas is difficult work, but it is a great learning experience and a great sense of accomplishment.
This project proved me that “architecture” is a universal language. I will continue to actively challenge overseas projects.