多彩物語 3号店 (China)
  • 所在地:海外
  • 延床面積:380㎡
  • 商業施設
  • 2015年



Variable store with flexible furniture

The projected title was Tasaimonogatari 3 (多彩物語3).
It was built in Dalian, China in 2015. It was designed from June 2015 to July 2015, constructed from July 11 , 2015
to July 31 , 2015. Very short term.
The store area was about 380 square meters.

This project is the third store of the Tasaimonogatari.
The second store was designed and opened almost at the same time as the first store, and this third store was planned as an opening tenant when a huge mall was completed.

Unlike the first store, I have to plan in an open space like a Japanese mall. I thought that such a catchy store was necessary to see how customers who walk along the main street where many stores are lined up on both sides.
I decided not to set it up like a store, but to make a space for the store gently with movable furniture and boxes. I thought that in China, there was still a strong tendency to surround their shops, and the entrance was narrowed, and as a result, there was an atmosphere that was not easy to enter. I designed a store that I could easily put in because the store handles cheap goods.
The furniture that makes up the store can be moved and used in other stores. Also, because it is furniture, the shape of the shop can be changed flexibly. The furniture was painted with colored acrylic plates and colored. I made the lighting fixtures the same design as the furniture.

I visited the store when it opened, but I was surprised by the huge mall and the large number of people. I thought there was a rich China here. I would like to take many more challenges in China when I receive these people's energy. I thought there were still opportunities for Japanese designers to play an active role.